These are the parts of the program that draw each section in case someone wants to know the math.
This is the first set of spirals.
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 16.0 * PI + 0.02; theta = theta + 0.02){
float radius = 120.0 * theta / (16.0 * PI);
radius = radius + sin(theta * 12.0) * theta * 15.0 / (16.0 * PI);
float xp = sin(theta) * radius;
float yp = cos(theta) * radius;
Then there is a section that is kind of like a spirograph except it also weaves in and out as it goes around.
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 32.0 * PI + 0.02; theta = theta + 0.02){
float radius = 180.0;
radius = radius + sin (theta * 6.1875) * 60.0 + sin(theta * 12.0) * 15.0;
float xp = sin(theta) * radius;
float yp = cos(theta) * radius;
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 2.0*PI+2.0*PI/14400.0; theta = theta + 2.0*PI/14400.0){
float radius = 255.0; //the distance from 0,0 to the center of the figure eights
float newTheta = sin(theta*200.0)*2.2*PI/150.0+theta;
float newRadius = radius + sin(theta*100.0)*10.0 + sin(theta*12.0)*15.0;
float x = sin(newTheta)*newRadius;
float y = cos(newTheta)*newRadius;
draw (x,y);
It tries to draw the loops a little smaller than the plotter is able to do because of the drag of the pen.
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 32.0*PI+0.02; theta = theta + 0.02){
float radius = 335.0;
float newRadius = radius + sin(theta*6.1875)*65.0;
float newRadius2 =newRadius + (400.0-newRadius)/8.667*sin(theta*12.0);
float newRadius3 = newRadius2 + (newRadius-270)/4.333*sin(theta*6.0);
float x = sin(theta)*newRadius3;
float y = cos(theta)*newRadius3;
draw (x,y);
The last section just makes some spirals that are close together like the first set only they just go in and out 6 times instead of 12.
for (float theta = 0.0; theta < 2.0*PI*6.0+2.0*PI/360.0; theta = theta + 2.0*PI/360.0){
float radius = 400.0;
float newRadius = radius + sin(theta*6.0)*30.0+theta;
float x = sin(theta)*newRadius;
float y = cos(theta)*newRadius;
draw (x,y);
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